【真题在线看】2020MCM 问题A:向北移动


来源:MCM 问题A





1. 建立一个数学模型来确定未来 50 年内这两种鱼类最有可能的栖息地,假设水温发生足够的变化导致种群迁移。

2. 根据海水温度变化的速度,使用你的模型来预测最佳情况、最坏情况以及最可能经过的时间,如果小型渔业公司继续在当前地点经营,这些种群将距离小型渔业公司太远而无法捕捞。

3. 根据您的预测分析,这些小型渔业公司是否应该改变其运营方式?

a. 如果答案是肯定的,请使用您的模型来识别和评估适合小型渔业公司的实用且经济上有吸引力的策略。您的策略应考虑(但不限于)现实的选择,包括:

- 将渔业公司的部分或全部资产从苏格兰港口的当前位置迁移到更靠近两种鱼类种群迁徙的地方;
- 使用一定比例的小型渔船,这些渔船可以在一段时间内无需陆基支持即可作业,同时仍能确保捕捞物的新鲜度和高质量。
- 您的团队可能确定和模仿的其他选项。

b. 如果您的团队拒绝进行任何更改,请根据您的建模结果与您的团队所做的假设相关地说明拒绝的理由。

4. 使用您的模型来解决如果部分渔业转移到另一个国家的领海(海域)时您的提案会受到怎样的影响。

5. 除了技术报告之外,还要为《Hook Line and Sinker》杂志准备一篇一到两页的文章,帮助渔民了解问题的严重性以及您提出的解决方案将如何改善他们未来的业务前景。


您的解决方案不超过 20 页,最多 24 页,包括摘要、目录和文章。





领海(海):“根据 1982 年《联合国海洋法公约》的定义,领海是指从沿海国家基线(通常是平均低水位线)延伸至多 12 海里(22.2 公里;13.8 英里)的沿海水域带。领海被视为国家的主权领土,但外国船只(军用和民用)可以无害通行,或过境海峡;这种主权也延伸到领海上方的空域和下方的海床。” [领海。(nd)。维基百科。2020 年 1 月 28 日检索自 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_waters。]



Global ocean temperatures affect the quality of habitats for certain ocean-dwelling species. When temperature changes are too great for their continued thriving, these species move to seek other habitats better suited to their present and future living and reproductive success. One example of this is seen in the lobster population of Maine, USA that is slowly migrating north to Canada where the lower ocean temperatures provide a more suitable habitat. This geographic population shift can significantly disrupt the livelihood of companies who depend on the stability of ocean-dwelling species.

Your team has been hired as consultants by a Scottish North Atlantic fishery management consortium. The consortium wants to gain a better understanding of issues related to the potential migration of Scottish herring and mackerel from their current habitats near Scotland if and when global ocean temperatures increase. These two fish species represent a significant economic contribution to the Scottish fishing industry. Changes in population locations of herring and mackerel could make it economically impractical for smaller Scotland-based fishing companies, who use fishing vessels without on-board refrigeration, to harvest and deliver fresh fish to markets in Scotland fishing ports.


1. Build a mathematical model to identify the most likely locations for these two fish species over the next 50 years, assuming that water temperatures are going to change enough to cause the populations to move.

2. Based upon how rapidly the ocean water temperature change occurs, use your model to predict best case, worst case, and most likely elapsed time(s) until these populations will be too far away for small fishing companies to harvest if the small fishing companies continue to operate out of their current locations.

3. In light of your predictive analysis, should these small fishing companies make changes to their operations?

a. If yes, use your model to identify and assess practical and economically attractive strategies for small fishing companies. Your strategies should consider, but not be limited to, realistic options that include:

- Relocating some or all of a fishing company’s assets from a current location in a Scottish port to closer to where both fish populations are moving;
- Using some proportion of small fishing vessels capable of operating without land-based support for a period of time while still ensuring the freshness and high quality of the catch.
- Other options that your team may identify and model.

b. If your team rejects the need for any changes, justify reasons for your rejection based on your modeling results as they relate to the assumptions your team has made.

4. Use your model to address how your proposal is affected if some proportion of the fishery moves into the territorial waters (sea) of another country.

5. In addition to your technical report, prepare a one- to two-page article for Hook Line and Sinker magazine to help fishermen understand the seriousness of the problem and how your proposed solution(s) will improve their future business prospects.

Your submission should consist of:

  • One-page Summary Sheet
  • Table of Contents
  • One- to Two-page Article
  • Your solution of no more than 20 pages, for a maximum of 24 pages with your summary, table of contents, and article.

Note: Reference List and any appendices do not count toward the page limit and should appear after your completed solution. You should not make use of unauthorized images and materials whose use is restricted by copyright laws. Ensure you cite the sources for your ideas and the materials used in your report.


Fishery: The collection of fish of a given species and the area that they inhabit.

Habitat: The type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs.

Small Fishing Company: A company engaged in commercial fishing with limited or very limited financial resources to invest in new equipment/vessels.

Territorial Waters (sea): "as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign territory of the state, although foreign ships (military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it, or transit passage for straits; this sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below." [Territorial Waters. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved January 28, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_waters.]



