法国[1]恐怖袭击事件不断增加,因此需要对许多热门目的地的紧急疏散计划进行审查。您的 ICM 团队正在帮助设计法国巴黎卢浮宫的疏散计划。一般来说,疏散的目标是让所有人员尽快安全地离开大楼。收到需要疏散的通知后,人员会从最佳出口撤离,以便尽快清空大楼。
卢浮宫是世界上规模最大、参观人数最多的艺术博物馆之一,2017 年接待了超过 810 万名游客[2]。博物馆的游客数量在一天和一年中都有所不同,这给规划博物馆内的常规流动带来了挑战。游客的多样性——讲各种语言、结伴旅行的团体和残疾游客——使紧急情况下的疏散更加困难。
图 1:卢浮宫平面图[3]
这五层楼共设有 38 万件展品,占地面积约为 72,735 平方米,建筑翼长达 480 米或 5 个城市街区[3]。金字塔入口是博物馆的主要和最常用的公共入口。然而,还有另外三个入口通常为拥有博物馆会员资格的团体和个人保留:黎塞留通道入口、卢浮宫旋转木马入口和狮子门入口。卢浮宫有一个在线应用程序“Affluences”(https://www.affluences.com/louvre.php),可以实时更新每个入口的预计等候时间,以方便游客进入博物馆。你的团队可以考虑如何使用技术(包括 Affluences 等应用程序)或其他应用程序来促进你的疏散计划。
您的主管希望您的 ICM 团队开发一个紧急疏散模型,让博物馆领导探索各种疏散博物馆游客的方案,同时也让应急人员尽快进入大楼。重要的是要确定可能限制向出口移动的潜在瓶颈。博物馆应急规划人员特别感兴趣的是一个可适应的模型,它可以设计用于解决广泛的考虑因素和各种类型的潜在威胁。每种威胁都有可能改变或删除可能的安全路线的片段,这些片段在单一优化路线中可能是必不可少的。一旦开发完成,验证您的模型并讨论卢浮宫如何实现它。
您的解决方案不得超过 20 页,加上摘要最多可达 21 页。
注意:参考文献列表和任何附录均不计入 21 页的限制,并且应在完成的解决方案后出现。
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The increasing number of terror attacks in France[1] requires a review of the emergency evacuation plans at many popular destinations. Your ICM team is helping to design evacuation plans at the Louvre in Paris, France. In general, the goal of evacuation is to have all occupants leave the building as quickly and safely as possible. Upon notification of a required evacuation, individuals egress to and through an optimal exit in order to empty the building as quickly as possible.
The Louvre is one of the world’s largest and most visited art museum, receiving more than 8.1 million visitors in 2017[2]. The number of guests in the museum varies throughout the day and year, which provides challenges in planning for regular movement within the museum. The diversity of visitors -- speaking a variety of languages, groups traveling together, and disabled visitors -- makes evacuation in an emergency even more challenging. The Louvre has five floors, two of which are underground.
The 380,000 exhibits located on these five floors cover approximately 72,735 square meters, with building wings as long as 480 meters or 5 city blocks[3]. The pyramid entrance is the main and most used public entrance to the museum. However, there are also three other entrances usually reserved for groups and individuals with museum memberships: the Passage Richelieu entrance, the Carrousel du Louvre entrance, and the Portes Des Lions entrance. The Louvre has an online application, “Affluences” (https://www.affluences.com/louvre.php), that provides real-time updates on the estimated waiting time at each of these entrances to help facilitate entry to the museum. Your team might consider how technology, to include apps such as Affluences, or others could be used to facilitate your evacuation plan. Only emergency personnel and museum officials know the actual number of total available exit points (service doors, employee entrances, VIP entrances, emergency exits, and old secret entrances built by the monarchy, etc.). While public awareness of these exit points could provide additional strength to an evacuation plan, their use would simultaneously cause security concerns due to the lower or limited security postures at these exits compared with level of security at the four main entrances. Thus, when creating your model, your team should consider carefully when and how any additional exits might be utilized. Your supervisor wants your ICM team to develop an emergency evacuation model that allows the museum leaders to explore a range of options to evacuate visitors from the museum, while also allowing emergency personnel to enter the building as quickly as possible. It is important to identify potential bottlenecks that may limit movement towards the exits. The museum emergency planners are especially interested in an adaptable model that can be designed to address a broad set of considerations and various types of potential threats. Each threat has the potential to alter or remove segments of possible routes to safety that may be essential in a single optimized route. Once developed, validate your model(s) and discuss how the Louvre would implement it. Based on the results of your work, propose policy and procedural recommendations for emergency management of the Louvre. Include any applicable crowd management and control procedures that your team believes are necessary for the safety of the visitors. Additionally, discuss how you could adapt and implement your model(s) for other large, crowded structures. Your submission should consist of: